Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Where has the Summer gone...Back to School Tips

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it's off to school they go! I have one going back for her teaching credentials, one heading to Louisville for his 1st year of College, a Freshman experiencing his 1st year of High School, one experiencing being top dog of the Middle School as an Eight Grader, Fourth Grader, and a Pre-Kindergartener!
I can't believe the Summer has pasted already...back to the schedule and routine of things! So bitter sweet for me. This has been one of the best Summer thus far! I think as the kids get older it's less stressful for me. We all liked and enjoyed sleeping in, including my 5 year old who slept in until 9:30/10am.
I think when your kiddo's are all younger you really look forward to this day...but, with this day comes lots of future work. Alarm clocks going off starting at 6am, Wake up pats on the back, Homework to be helped with, Grades to keep up with, Tasks to be reminded, Lunches to be made, Sports to be have gotten to, etc., etc., -- Routine and Schedule are key there is no question!

Back to School means Fall is near and change of season is upon us.  

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1

I look forward to and embrace this new SEASON! I hope these few tips may help you with your 'Back to School' routine!

  • Ways I implement my routine and schedule for my family is by using a large dry erase board in the kitchen. We have color coded dry erase markers. Every person has their own color. 

  • I also assign 2 chores each a week for every child. This does not include their upkeep of their rooms and personal belongings throughout the house. 
  • Laundry is a day assigned to a child. This starts with oldest to youngest at the beginning of the week. My oldest has Mondays, the next one in line has Tuesdays, and so on. I do my laundry, towels, sheets, etc., through out the weekend and have them put away by Sunday night.
  • I also, get back into a good routine of following the FlyLady! This has been a great routine builder for me and family! She has now given us access to a fabulous online schedule keeper and much more at 
 I hope these few tips may help you in implementing your 'Back to School' routine! Hope you and your family and a great year!!

~Bizee Mama


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